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We believe that music should be an intrinsic part of health and social care​

We create music with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of the people we make music with

OPUS Music delivers music-making in health and social care settings across the East Midlands. We champion the use of music to enhance the health and wellbeing of the people we meet.

We have a brilliant team of experienced Healthcare Musicians delivering programmes in hospitals, care settings, and in the community. Our musicians offer the space to connect, regain autonomy, and experience the power of music for health wellbeing. Our work is based on the ethos of our French mentors Musique et Santé, offering encounters for artistic expression, communication, and shared pleasure.

"Their music wasn't just two people playing, it was a healing moment for me and my baby."

A photo of the four musicians performing in hospital

We are expert healthcare music makers

We make music with people of all ages, from birth to end of life, giving the gift of music at a time when people can be most vulnerable, isolated and feeling low. We play music on hospital wards and at the bedside, for patients, visitors and staff to listen to or join in 

We offer training and mentoring

We offer a broad range of training and mentoring for musicians and care staff wishing to develop their skills in making music in health and care settings or wanting to bring music into their environment 

A photo of Sarah playing violin to a baby in NICU

We advocate for music in healthcare

We advocate for the positive social, psychological and physiological impacts of music on people, sharing knowledge across the sector and connecting people in this field.

Image of Arts Council England Logo

We are a National Portfolio Organisation

We’re an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, which means funding thanks to taxpayers plays a huge part in supporting our work.

Where did the name OPUS Music come from?

The name OPUS Music comes from the musical term Opus which means work. 
“Op.” is short for Opus, and it numbers a composer’s works in chronological order. For example Op. 95 is the composer’s 95th composition.

Find out more about what we've been up to...

Chris and Mariannes story

Chris’ Story

Music has the power to heal, comfort, and uplift, even in the most challenging moments of life. For Chris and his mum, Marianne, music became a lifeline during a long and difficult journey through illness, and its impact continues to resonate in their lives today.

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