What we did on our Friday….
Friday 11th May 2012
Sunflower Ward (an open waiting area upstairs with day surgery waiting and recovery areas on each side) – quite quiet today, but started in the day surgery area – one little girl rocking with her Mum in time with the music, did not need any more engagement than that – 2 little babies in and out with parents and a few attending physicians and nursing staff joining in with “Wind the Bobbin Up” and discussing the song with each other. Other ward quiet – played “for” mostly here – sleepy patients.
Lobsters (an area with 3 rooms each with about 4 beds in just next to Sunflower)– 2 teenaged boys with Mums – one eating and looking tired and not engaging much but listening – the other turned out to be a ballet and contemporary dancer – has played violin and guitar also – joined us in percussion – nice discussion about his dancing and musical life – Mum also played shaker with us and told us she is a flautist when she has time.
Foyer to the Hospital (a large waiting area downstairs – the main way into the Children’s Hospital) – discussed the uninspiring nature of this area to play in – performance of “Five O’Clock” before cup of tea break.
Pink Room (large waiting area downstairs) – not occupied by many
Green Room (same sized area further down the corridor) – nice improvisation for a toddler learning to walk and having fun following Dad backwards and forwards – Played “Match of the Day” for two people at the football table – the passing Physiotherapists were impressed with the tune and requested Ski Sunday theme tune and Cricket theme – also stated not too loud and no more noise near their working door.
ICU (upstairs in Children’s Hospital) – played for a 2 year old and a little baby for short time
Shrimps (baby ward on the upstairs Puffin Ward) – lovely interaction and eye contact from little baby and sister – transfixed on me and the viola for many times round the musical piece the Mazurka de St Pierre – latterly a lovely mesage from the family thanking the doctors, nurses and musicians.
NICU – worked through from littlest ones, to the eldest – Bb major improvisation pizzicato Viola, Guita and Bodhran and the machines – hypnotic and trance-like – the Doctor on duty took some film of our work near the incubators.
Sarah Matthews