
Case study: ‘you have to stay right there until he’s finished!’

Working on a ward at Nottingham Children’s Hospital, we asked a nurse if it was appropriate to play for the very young baby she was caring for. She said ‘yes of course’. We could see that she was feeding the baby through a feeding tube.

As we played, the nurse interacted with the baby, soothing him through touch and gentle tapping.  The ward sister came along and asked the nurse if the baby had calmed down. The nurse said he had since we had arrived. The ward sister then said ‘you have to stay right there until he’s finished!’

Richard asked the nurse if he’d been very distressed and she explained that he’d been struggling feeding with the tube, then getting angry and being sick, so losing the feed.  This had caused him to be hungry and the cycle had then repeated.

We continued playing and the baby was still slightly upset.  Sarah suggested that Richard played the Bodhrán (drum) for the next piece to see if a quiet repetitive rhythm would be soothing.  We played ‘Evelyne’s’, moving into ‘Sailor went to sea’.  We played an extended version, getting quieter and quieter as the nurse finished the feed and cleaned the feeding tube.  She continued to sooth the baby as we played until he fell completely asleep.  She smiled and said ‘he’s gone off’ at which point we finished the piece.

As we left the ward he was still asleep and had kept the feed down. The effect of calm induced by the interplay between the nurse and musicians was observed to continue in the baby until his next feed approximately two hours after the musicians had left the space.

Music Care

OPUS is delighted to be working in partnership with the University of Nottingham and Room 217 Foundation (Canada) to deliver Music Care Training. Music Care Training is for care providers looking to incorporate music into their care practice, and for musicians looking to take their skills into the care context.  

Next Training: 25/26 November 2019, Music Care Level 1, University of Nottingham  

We are also looking forward to presenting at the second ‘Power of Music in Health and Social Care’ conference, to be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre on 4 November 2019

Music in Healthcare Training – 14-18 May 2018







PLEASE NOTE – This course is now full. If you wish to be added to our waiting list, please do send in an application form for our consideration. You can also contact us at training@opusmusic.org to be added to our mailing list for future training opportunities.

Applications are now open for our 5-day Music in Healthcare Settings Training course based in Derby and Sutton in Ashfield, UK.

This course will take place on 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 May 2018 at Kedleston Road Training and Development Centre, Derby, All Saints Centre, Huthwaite and and Kings Mill Hospital, Sutton in Ashfield. (Shared travel will be arranged between Derby and other sites for those needing it)

More details are available here:

Music in Healthcare Training opportunity Musicians Brief May 2018 (pdf)
Application Form (pdf)
Application Form (word document)

We will be offering places on the training programme as we receive suitable applications. We will close the application process once all eight places have been filled.

You are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and before the deadline of Friday 9th March 2018 as places could fill up quickly.

Here’s what previous trainees have said about this training course:

If you are at all interested in how music can be used as a vehicle for better health, happiness and well-being…DO THIS COURSE. It was one of the most moving, enlightening and humbling weeks of my life and has confirmed 100% for me that I’m on the right path musically, professionally and personally.

This training was all about fabulous human encounters in music: with the patients, their relatives, the hospital staff, my fellow trainees, and of course with Nick, Sarah and Richard.

I would recommend doing this training if you feel excited about the possibility of using music to enrich and even transform lives in a setting that is a long way from the stage.

This course has the potential to redefine your ideas of musical performance and what it means to connect with others when making music, in healthcare settings and beyond. My notions of musicality were challenged and broken open to reveal once more the true beauty of creativity. Something I am thankful for. The course is an absolute must for musicians, healthcare staff and humanity as a whole.

Training with Opus has been an incredibly creative, exciting, moving, challenging and fun five days, that have inspired me musically and personally. I feel privileged to have met such creative and talented musicians, and feel compelled to tell everyone about the immense power of music in the hospital setting!

Every moment of the course is crucial to exploring the role of the musician in a healthcare setting. The team of professional and well-experienced facilitators firmly ground the profession within its social and cultural context and offer a structured introduction to cutting edge techniques and exploratory, collaborative experience within the hospital setting itself. I would whole-heartedly recommend attending a course with OPUS to any musician looking to have an impact in this growing area of expertise.

This is one of the best training courses I have ever attended because in such a short time it has given me musical skills and confidence I did not have, as well as opening up a new career path in a fascinating discipline

The course is incredibly fulfilling and so valuable. It was unique in how engaging, rewarding and informative it was, as well as fun! I felt at ease quickly and thoroughly enjoyed how much I learnt, both in the experiences it gave but also the practical tools I have acquired to develop my own practice and passion for music in healthcare settings.

Reaching People Through Song

“Oh I can’t hold a note!”
“I’d better not sing, it’ll start raining”
“Oooo you’re so good, you should be on X-Factor!”

So often we have been met with comments like this. It seems to be assumed that regular, every day people cannot sing, and that if you can, or do, or are comfortable trying, you are someone special and should be put on a stage. Within the last twelve months, I have been part of three events in three different healthcare settings that demonstrate the importance of singing in making deep impact connections with other human beings, where the spoken word often fails.

The first of these was a young boy waiting in hospital for a procedure and needing some cream in preparation. The cream needed to be placed on his hands and elbows with bandages. This was not painful, but he appeared understandably anxious and unable to remain calm. We began singing a jolly upbeat song (Zamina) quite loudly, to meet his intensity, volume and energy. Mum was sitting with him and encouraging him, with the promise of a visit to McDonald’s later on. All of this initially calmed and engaged him, but he soon started thinking about what was going to happen to him, and started crying again. I decided to try changing the words of this song to make them about him and the special bandages he was having put on. This made him think differently about his bandages and smile a little, and altered his mood and energy. As the nurse completed the preparatory procedure, the young boy was smiling and looking at his bandages with a bit of pride and pleasure, as if the song had validated them and made it ok. The nurse stated that the music and song had really helped her finish the task.

The next event was in a different hospital, one morning, with a family comprising a young male patient, Mum, Dad, and little baby boy brother visiting. As we entered the room we started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. After a few moments of listening and looking, Baby started vocalising whilst looking at me. I moved closer and got down on the floor nearby. I vocalised as best as I could the same sounds back to him and maintained good constant relaxed eye contact, open mouth, and smiles. He continued vocalising with me whilst I was singing words. Then I sang in the baby’s words “ye ye, ye ye” to the tune of Twinkle. There was instant recognition and reciprocation – good confident eye contact and vocalising with me, not just at me, including some copycat exchanges, intermingled with little bits of the melody of the song. Then ensued some smiles and giggles and real joy in Mum and Baby (sitting on Mum’s knee). This is the youngest person I have ever sung with and I really feel that we made quality music together on this day.

The final example of singing together came during a short session of playing music for a group of eldery people with dementia in a care home. There were at least 17 residents and 2 members of staff sitting round in a circle facing inwards, no one talking to one another. As usual, there was a lot of shouting out and getting up and wandering around prior to the music. As we started, with some gentle tunes, trying to match the volume and energy of the room, but trying not to be too loud, there was some joining in clapping, lots of smiling round the room and looking at each other. We started singing “Oh my Darling, Clementine” (a choice made by one resident’s continual quoting of the lyrics and rhythms of the song), and the room changed. There were at least 6 people singing the same words in the same time in the same song in the same room – a real sense of shared experience, working towards the same goal. Unable to see each other, talk to one another, or share most other activities, these elderly people seemed positively engaged in this activity together with smiles.

Our voice is very personal to us. It is part of our identity and gives an indication as to who we are and where we are from. It is the product of vibrations made by tiny tendons being contracted and relaxed inside the voicebox, as air flows from the lungs and out through the month and nose. It is developed and formed on the way by the shape of that unique individual’s vocal tract. In order to be able to develop the voice over time, the vocal folds need to be flexed and exercised regularly in order to develop the control of the sound quality, the pitch, the breath and, with all of that, the confidence to allow your singing voice to be heard. Most importantly though, it is not about perfecting the use of the voice, but about the true benefits of taking part…..

Professor Graham Welch, Chair of Music Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, has studied the developmental and medical aspects of singing for 30 years. He found that the health benefits of singing are both physical and psychological. “Singing has physical benefits because it is an aerobic activity that increases oxygenation in the blood stream and exercises major muscle groups in the upper body, even when sitting. Singing has psychological benefits because of its normally positive effect in reducing stress levels through the action of the endocrine system which is linked to our sense of emotional well-being. Psychological benefits are also evident when people sing together as well as alone because of the increased sense of community, belonging and shared endeavour.” www.heartresearch.org.uk.

I believe it is important to keep facilitating opportunities for people to use their singing voice more and learn to feel comfortable with this, developing their skills through experiencing the benefits of song, especially in healthcare settings. Just because you are not Adele or Robbie, why would you deny yourself these life-changing moments? To baby, Mum and Dad’s voice is the best in the world.

Sarah Matthews

10th October 2016

DONATE and support our music and health practice

OPUS Music CIC relies on grants and donations to deliver music-making in healthcare settings.

Please consider supporting our Music and Health practice by donating to our funds.

OPUS Music CIC is a non profit-making organisation, dedicated to ensuring that all donations go directly towards providing music-making opportunities for people most in need in healthcare settings.

If you would like to make a donation, please either:

– send a cheque made payable to ‘OPUS Music CIC’ to our registered address below
– contact us for bank details to make a bank transfer
– use the button below to make payment via paypal

OPUS Music is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 07900221

Registered office: 3 Dodgewell Close, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5BH

Tel: 01773 861630
Email: donation@opusmusic.org

Newspaper Article: Music in Health practice at QMC, Nottingham


james qmc

From Nottingham Post, 19 June 2014

MUSIC is helping an 11-year-old boy battle crippling headaches which have left him unable to attend school.

Mrs Bell said:

“James gets really down when he is in hospital because he sees other children and he can’t do what they can do, but he gets so excited about OPUS – the first time he did a session with them he was beaming. James feels that he is creating music and for that time the pain and depression does not exist and it is just wonderful. What they do is absolutely vital for so many people and it has inspired me to play piano at home and we have started singing together.”

Consultant pediatric nephrologist Martin Christian, from Queen’s Medical Centre, said: “It would be a disaster if we didn’t have them. Some of our patients are mesmerised by them when they come round and they give them a huge psychological boost. I think there is something incredibly calming about the music which has a positive effect on both the staff and the patients.”

Barbara Cathcart, chief executive of the Nottingham Hospital Charity, said: “There is something special and powerful about what OPUS Music does for the children, including known benefits to their healing. These types of projects are made possible through the generosity of our donors, for which we are very grateful.”

Click here for the full article

Continued music-making residencies in children’s hospitals

We are delighted to be able to continue, and expand our existing relationships with Derbyshire, Leicester, Nottingham and Kings Mill Children’s Hospitals with support from Youth Music and from our local and hospital partners.

This support means that OPUS musicians will now visit each hospital on a weekly basis until April 2016, making music for and with the patients, their families and staff.

Our recent evaluation and documentation work has demonstrated the highly valued impacts of this practice; we are incredibly grateful for the support of all our partners in enabling this work to continue.

youth music full logo

Sunshine in My Heart Film: OPUS in Children’s Hospitals

We are delighted to share our film, made as part of the evaluation process of our current Music in Children’s Hospitals practice supported by Youth Music, Derbyshire Hospitals Charity, Nottingham Hospitals Charity, Leicester City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. The film was captured at Nottingham and Leicester Children’s Hospitals by our fantastic external evaluator Dr Anneli Haake.

There are three versions of our film. The full film is 24 minutes long, but if you don’t have the time (please try to make time, we think it’s worth it!) there are 4 minute and 1 minute ‘tasters’. Please do get in touch and let us know your own reflections on our film..

Full film (24 minutes)

4 minute ‘taster’

1 minute ‘taster’