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Find out more about OPUS Music, and the health and science behind music-making.

Nick Gurav & Oli

Creating Music with the Radford Care Group

New Partnership Brings Music to Redford Care Centre

OPUS Music CIC has partnered with Redford Care Centre to introduce music sessions aimed at enhancing the emotional and physical well-being of older adults. The collaboration began after a staff member at the centre completed Music Care training, sparking the idea to integrate music into their care routine. A successful trial session received enthusiastic feedback from both participants and staff, leading to discussions about making the sessions a regular feature.

Ben Armstrong, Project Manager at OPUS Music CIC, said, “We are excited to expand this partnership and bring ongoing musical joy to those who need it most.”

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The Health Benefits of Music

Music has long been celebrated for its ability to evoke emotions, create connections, and inspire creativity. However, beyond its aesthetic appeal, music also offers numerous health benefits that are increasingly supported by scientific research.

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King Charles

OPUS at Buckingham Palace

On May 15th, we had the immense honour of attending the Sovereign’s Creative Industries Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. It was a day filled with recognition, celebration, and a sense of pride for our work. As an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation

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Addressing The Climate Crisis

We have been working with our mentor Dave McKenny exploring the climate crisis and developing a creative response. We are working on how we can integrate this into our Music in Healthcare Practice.
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Community Music Making

OPUS Community Music Sessions

Thanks to the generous support from Arts Council England, OPUS has been able to extend its reach, creating three music for wellbeing groups in Bolsover, Ashfield, and Nottingham.

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