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Taking the Lead on Music for Wellbeing: Continuing Professional Development opportunity

From early 2013 to March 2014, Taking the Lead is supporting young people’s development through leadership opportunities in and around music making. Young people develop their leadership skills through musical activity within youth and school settings before taking music-making into care homes within their own locality.

As part of this programme, we are offering a FREE CPD day led by Nick Cutts of OPUS Music CIC.

Friday 28th March 2014, 10am to 3.30pm, Post Mill Centre, South Normanton

Are you involved in, or interested in:

  • finding out more about this project?
  • delivering music-making to support health and/or wellbeing?
  • developing interactive music-making in your own health/care setting?
  • supporting young people to make music within their own communities to support health and/or wellbeing?
  • running a music/arts in health project?
  • supporting the development of this practice?

If you answer YES to any of the questions above, please come along to support this day.
What to expect:

  • a mix of fun, creative music-making approaches (no prior musical ability required)
  • sharing of findings/experience gained from the Taking the Lead project
  • facilitated discussions on developing and supporting this practice

The day will be designed around those attending, drawing upon the skills and knowledge of the group, and supporting the individual needs of each attendee. The knowledge gained from the day will feed into a project ‘toolkit’ to support the development of this practice.

NB. The day will have a different programme to the two Taking the Lead CPD days held in May/July 2013, so is suitable for attendees to these previous sessions. It is open to anyone living or working in Derbyshire.

Taking the Lead is an Arts Derbyshire project, supported by Derbyshire County Council and a grant from leading UK charity Youth Music.

For more information or to book your FREE place, please contact Priscilla Baily, Project co-ordinator (p/t), Taking the Lead

Tel: 01773 831359

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