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Continued music-making residencies in children’s hospitals

We are delighted to be able to continue, and expand our existing relationships with Derbyshire, Leicester, Nottingham and Kings Mill Children’s Hospitals with support from Youth Music and from our local and hospital partners.

This support means that OPUS musicians will now visit each hospital on a weekly basis until April 2016, making music for and with the patients, their families and staff.

Our recent evaluation and documentation work has demonstrated the highly valued impacts of this practice; we are incredibly grateful for the support of all our partners in enabling this work to continue.

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2 thoughts on “Continued music-making residencies in children’s hospitals”

  1. Jane & David Baker

    Our son was in Derby Children’s Hospital in June 2013. The musicians were there when he was getting very worked up about the delay (he has autism).
    When he was told he was having further surgery this week, the first request was ‘I can see the musicians’. Yesterday, whilst he was recovering, they arrived, played and sang. We cannot rate this experience highly enough. The calming effect of music on children, parents and staff is beyond words. Please keep playing. Thank you for your wonderful care.

    1. Dear Jane and David

      Thanks for your comments. We are delighted that we were able to help again during your son’s visit to Derby Children’s Hospital yesterday. We are an integrated part of the care team in Derby (as we are in many of the hospitals we work in) and the Play Team at the hospital had informed us about your visit and your son’s request.

      Would you mind putting a comment on our facebook page? It’s here:

      Best wishes,
      Director, Musician and Trainer, OPUS Music CIC.

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